========= Messenger ========= The messenger will print a message to the player as they pass over the track. Writing ``\n`` will cause the message to split across multiple lines. Longer Messages =============== To send messages longer than can fit on the sign, you can put more signs below the original sign. This can continue until the end of the world, theoretically. Configuration ============= ======== ====================================== ================= =================== Node Comment Type Default ======== ====================================== ================= =================== material The block that this mechanic requires. SpongeBlockFilter minecraft:end_stone ======== ====================================== ================= =================== Permissions =========== ======================= ===================================================== ============ Node Description Default Role ======================= ===================================================== ============ craftbook.cartmessenger Allows the user to create the CartMessenger mechanic. user ======================= ===================================================== ============