====== MC1230 ====== **MC1230** outputs high if it is day when the input (the "clock") goes from low to high. Precisely it is high when the server time is less than 13000 ticks. Essentially this means that a low is outputted when it starts getting dark and it goes high after it has been bright for some time. The start and end time for day are configurable, making this IC capable of detecting any span of time. Sign Lines ========== 1. SENSE DAY 2. [MC1230] 3. Start Time 4. End Time IC Pins ======= Inputs ------ - Clock Outputs ------- - If day (Or within time bounds) Permissions =========== ======================== =================================================== ============ Node Description Default Role ======================== =================================================== ============ craftbook.ic.safe.mc1230 Allows creation of the Daylight Sensor (MC1230) IC. user ======================== =================================================== ============