====== MC1203 ====== .. note:: This IC is marked as `Restricted`. This means it's not necessarily suitable for normal players. **MC1203** is an IC that generates a lighting bolt on the block behind the IC sign (or the block at the offset if offset is set) when the input (the "clock") goes from low to high. Sign Lines ========== 1. ZEUS BOLT 2. [MC1203] 3. radius=x,z,y 4. Optional chance (Out of 100) IC Pins ======= Inputs ------ - Strike lightning on high Outputs ------- - None Permissions =========== ============================== ============================================= ============ Node Description Default Role ============================== ============================================= ============ craftbook.ic.restricted.mc1203 Allows creation of the Zeus Bolt (MC1203) IC. staff ============================== ============================================= ============