====== MC1201 ====== .. note:: This IC is marked as `Restricted`. This means it's not necessarily suitable for normal players. The **MC1201** spawns items in the first free space above the block behind the IC sign when the input (the "clock") goes from low to high. Setting The Items ================= The items to spawn can be set in a few different ways. If you want to simply just spawn a stick, just write the ID of that item on the 3rd line. So for a stick you'd write stick (Or minecraft:stick). If you want to spawn multiple different items, or items with more custom data, just leave the 3rd line blank. Once the IC is created it'll open a menu where you can provide all the items you want spawned. This includes amount as well. Sign Lines ========== 1. DISPENSER 2. [MC1201] 3. item type, or blank to set later 4. Blank IC Pins ======= Inputs ------ - Clock Outputs ------- - None Permissions =========== ============================== ================================================== ============ Node Description Default Role ============================== ================================================== ============ craftbook.ic.restricted.mc1201 Allows creation of the Item Dispenser (MC1201) IC. staff ============================== ================================================== ============