========= Bookshelf ========= Readable bookshelves make bookshelves "readable" on right click. Lines of text read from the bookshelves file will be printed to the player's chat on each right click, simulating usage of the bookshelf. .. image:: /images/bookshelf/reading.png :align: center Customizing the lines ===================== A default collection of quotations is provided in the books.txt file that comes with the CraftBook download. It is found in config/craftbook/ You can add new lines, remove lines, or replace the entire file altogether. Each line of text is one "book". The file can be as big or as small as you want it to be. Configuration ============= =============== ================================================================= ============ ======= Node Comment Type Default =============== ================================================================= ============ ======= read-with-block Whether to allow the player to read a book whilst holding a block Boolean false sneak-state Sets how the player must be sneaking in order to use a bookshelf. TernaryState FALSE =============== ================================================================= ============ ======= Permissions =========== ======================= ============================================== ============ Node Description Default Role ======================= ============================================== ============ craftbook.bookshelf.use Allows the user to use the Bookshelf mechanic. user ======================= ============================================== ============