========== Teleporter ========== The **Teleporter** mechanic allow you to teleport by clicking a sign. Construction ============ Teleporters are just signs with the text ``[Teleporter]`` on the second line. The destination is entered on the third line with x,y,z coordinates. For example, ``1,2,3`` is an x of 1, a y of 2, and a z of 3. Require Sign ------------ To prevent players just teleporting anywhere, CraftBook can be configured to require a teleporter sign to be created at the destination location. This means a player cannot create a teleporter to a location they cannot access or build in, as they cannot create the destination sign. .. note:: This still allows players to teleport to pre-built teleporter signs by other players, allowing public teleport destinations. Arrival Signs ------------- If nothing is entered on the third line, the teleporter will act as an arrival only sign. This is useful in conjunction with requiring signs to create a point where players can teleport to. Button Teleporters ------------------ If button teleporters are enabled, teleporters can be activated by using buttons on the opposite side of the block containing the teleporter sign. Obstruction ----------- To prevent players from suffocating, CraftBook checks the area to make sure there is enough space and a floor to place them on. If there isn't, you'll get a message about the destination being obstructed. Configuration ============= .. csv-table:: :header: Node, Comment, Default :widths: 15, 30, 10 ``require-sign``,"Require a sign to be at the destination of the teleportation.","false" ``max-range``,"The maximum distance between the start and end of a teleporter. Set to 0 for infinite.","0" ``enable-buttons``,"Allow teleporters to be used by a button on the other side of the block.","true" Permissions =========== +--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Permission Node | Effect | +================================+==================================+ | craftbook.teleporter.create | Allows creation of Teleporters. | +--------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | craftbook.teleporter.use | Allows usage of Teleporters. | +--------------------------------+----------------------------------+