============ Player Types ============ .. contents:: Player Type is a system that allows for players to be specified by many different means, such as names or permission nodes. A player type is used by writing its prefix, followed by a colon (:) and then the information you are specifying by. Eg, p:me4502 would only work for the player me4502. Types ===== =============== ====== ====== Name Prefix Description =============== ====== ====== Name p Specifies the player by their name. UUID u Specifies the player by their UUID. This is not recommended for usage on signs, unless a variable is used to store the UUID. CBID i Specifies the player by their CraftBook ID. This is recommended on signs, instead of player names. Permission Node n Specifies the player by whether or not they have a permission node. Group g Specifies the player by their permission group. Team t Specifies the player by their scoreboard team. All a Specifies every single player. =============== ====== ======